Friday bullets, December 15, 2017

I'll jump right in.

  • With some significant time spent with my best friend Amazon on Wednesday night, combined with some power shopping yesterday morning, I do believe that I will be able to pull off Christmas this year. There are still, of course, some odds and ends, but for the most part I am done.
  • How did anyone ever manage to be ready for Christmas without 2-day shipping? I know I did, I just don't know how.
  • As I've mentioned before, D. has become enamored of physics. Quantum physics to be exact. And like his mother, when D. is interested in something, he reads and researches voraciously on his chosen subject. All this to say, he has been reading a lot of books about quantum physics recently. And like his mother, when he has read something really interesting (to him), he wants to talk about it. Which is why I found myself a captive audience while I was doing laundry earlier this week (no fool, that D.) as he expounded on the various theories of multiple and infinite universes. I believe I had become a plumber in one of his examples. After all of this, he turns to me and asks, "Did you get any of that?" I think I have yet to convince him that ability and interest are really not equivalent.
  • Along the same lines, when I asked D. if there was anything on his Christmas wish list I should know about, he shows me a picture of Nuclear Element Soap bars, but then mutters that he's not sure he really wants them.
  • The hand sewing continues apace. The very large stack of felt has been nearly used up, with five people making animals, blankets, shirts, pillows, etc. My DMC floss collection will never be quite the same. L. has even ventured into repair work, having sewed up every small hole which the stuffed animal collection happened to have. I will admit to being more than a little thrilled at this particular turn of event. The disaster in the play loft of scraps of felt and thread, thrills me a little less.
  • TM won the cool big brother award yesterday. L. was a little less than thrilled when I had to leave to take P. to her riding lesson and D. to the library. I offered to let her ride along, but she was a wee bit past the point of reason and didn't want to. As I was running out the door, I suggested to TM that he might want to get some chocolate chips or something out for distraction purposes. Instead, when I got home, he had rounded up the troops and let them help him bake some M&M cookies (from his own M&M stash) with him, and things we were well.
  • P. has finished her first semester of her first college level class, and thinks she did pretty darn well.
  • I don't think I can use my tamale pot again until we replace the sink in the kitchen. The pot is so huge and the sink is so small that it is very difficult to wash. J. has measured and believes that the sink I bought last spring will actually fit in the space, but being cast iron, he will first have to figure out how to support the thing so it doesn't come crashing down. I cannot tell you how excited I will be to finally have a sink my large pots and cookware will fit in.
  • A friend sent a picture of one of the stained glass windows in our old church. I do miss them.
  • It would seem I need new hiking boots, or some type of shoe good for cold and light snow. I took Kenzie on a walk in the forest preserve earlier this week, and because it seemed damp and wet and cold, put on my 20+ year old hiking boots. My feet were pretty soaked by the time I even reached the preserve. The seams have all opened up and definitely let water in. I guess in boots so old that is to be expected. I have heavy winter boots, good for feet of snow, but don't really want to lug those around on my feet if I don't really need them. It's too bad things don't last forever.
  • You know that scene in the movie, It's a Wonderful Life, where George Bailey comes home, and among other things, one of his children is practicing Christmas carols on the piano over and over over? I feel as though I live in that scene for hours every day. I'm not really complaining, because I'm thrilled my children are enjoying playing the piano. It's just so constant. One child will stop and move on, and another child will sit down. I can usually tell who is playing by what and how they are playing. H. has even gotten in on it. The lure of Christmas carols has pushed her farther than anything I could have done on purpose. She is also farther than I thought she would be at this point. Her rhythm still needs some work, but she is getting the notes. It truly is a wonderful life... if loud.
  • TM has completed several art classes this fall, and just finished another this past week. I love this painting that he made this time.

And with that, I will wish you a happy Friday. Everyone take a deep breath, and remember the reason we do all the stuff we do at Christmas time, is because it is supposed to fun and enjoyable. If it's not, take a look at it, and figure out if it really needs to be done. 


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